Attract the eye, accompany the message, facilitate understanding.

I create hand-painted or hand-drawn images to illustrate your communication materials and publications.

Do you need a different image that appeals, intrigues and makes you want to read ? Want a striking visual for your greetings cards?

The very colourful and contrasting paint that I like can create this trigger effect.

In this article on my blog about the arts and the five senses, you can see how I use drawing to talk about feelings.

Do you have issues of cohabitation with local residents, the acceptability of a project, or simply want to publicise your activity ? Do you need images to make technical or scientific subjects easier to understand ?

I offer you a mix of poetry and technical information through images that can help you mobilise in a different way, thanks to my engineering background and my analytical skills, which enable me to look at complex activities.

In this article on my blog about commercial ports, you can see how I use drawings to explain the text.

Do you publish an author who tackles difficult or abstract concepts?

I create for you a mix of purely illustrative poetic paintings to lighten the reading and pure drawings in the form of sketches to set the scene and make it easier for readers to understand.

In this article on my blog about ordinary sexism, you can see how I alternate between paintings to create pauses and drawings to show an example illustrating the text above.

Based on your brief, I carry out research, visit your installations if you have any, then propose sketches to validate my ideas with you. Then, if necessary, I can suggest variations on the ideas you have chosen, again in the form of sketches.

Once the variations have been selected, I create the illustrations themselves. Depending on your wishes, these will be either oil paintings or ink drawings. In both cases, the illustrations are created entirely by hand and then digitised. The text on illustrations that include text is added digitally at a later stage.

For painted illustrations, I paint “alla prima”, i.e. without any drying time between different coats of paint. Your order can be completed in a week if required. I can then digitise the painting while it’s still fresh, eliminating the final drying stage. I can therefore offer you fast production times, identical to those for fully digital illustrations.

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