Who am I ?

I’m Lucile, illustrator, painter and engineer. Combining these different facets, I enjoy painting on a wide range of themes.

Industrial landscapes, construction sites, new technologies, architecture and urban planning inspire me and echo my professional experience in the port sector. In my paintings, I seek to highlight the beauty in the regularity of man-made lines.

I’m also a traveler who has had the good fortune to live in Singapore, Chad and Peru, and to work for a while in Saint Petersburg before settling in Paris and now Rennes. Between these experiences, I took the time to travel extensively in Asia and South America. The heritage, objects and faces of these places are also subjects that I love to paint.

I’m also a passionate practitioner of two Japanese martial arts, aikido and iaido. This inspires me to create illustrations on these themes and on Japanese culture. The calm and concentration required for these arts guide me in my painting.

Finally, curious about everything, I like to paint in the service of an idea, a piece of writing, a statement. So I try to paint images that are strong and poetic at the same time, to put something sensitive behind what can sometimes be a little abstract, to hook the reader, make him want to read and make him remember.

I’ve been painting for a long time alongside my work as an engineer, and decided to make it my second profession halfway through my life.

I love working with color, light and seeing images come to life. I paint in oil because I find it a living material. It always surprises me. The colors almost come together of their own accord and suddenly, for some reason, the subject comes to life, the painting speaks to you, the eye is drawn in.

My capacity for analysis and my previous professional experience also enable me to create drawings that are much simpler pictorially speaking than paintings, but that serve a precise speech. I conceive them as a complement to the painting, in an alternation of painting and drawings that offers the reader a visual rhythm and accompanies the text by lightening it.

Finally, I enjoy writing on subjects as varied as those inspired by my paintings. Feel free to browse my articles to see my illustrations in action.


I produce my paintings and drawings to order for companies, local authorities, publishing houses, the press, etc. I invite you to discover the range of services on the link below.


I offer my paintings to private customers in the form of fine art prints : top-of-the-range prints on beautiful paper, to be ordered online.

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