A question of balance

It’s beautiful, it’s tall, it looks solid, it looks like steel.

But the tower is made of puddled iron. A material that breaks easily when subjected to stress perpendicular to its fibers.

The package should read “Caution fragile democracy, should be carried by several people, not for the faint-hearted”.

In recent weeks, the early and, one might say, hasty parliamentary elections have shown us that, without doubt, our representative democracy no longer really has the right tools to function.

The result of the vote, giving no one a majority, should not lead us to change our very vertical way of seeing the world, where a powerful leader embodies a vision. We’ve been able to challenge this in the family : its members no longer necessarily obey the omnipotent man. We are increasingly challenging this in the world of work : the relationship of subordination between managers and employees is becoming gentler, and corporate governance more open.

So, aren’t we ready for a political life in which the agenda of one part of the nation is not blindly imposed on the other? What about a government program built jointly once the balance of power has been established at the ballot box?

Even if we don’t like it, we must accept otherness, accept that the ideas of others may be desired by many, and find compromises to chart a common course, to remain a united society.

See you soon.


PS : I create illustrations and paintings to order for companies, publishing houses and communications agencies. Contact me if you have a project.

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